Photoshop HW 1

 Photoshop Tutorial Videos:

Video 1:

This video was the most helpful in learning about and how to use each tool in the tool bar. The YouTuber goes over in detail which is a must for beginners like myself. I will definitely be looking back to this video to assist me in my projects!

Video 2:

This video shows you how to set up your workspace to what you need. He shows you how to add in images and manipulate them. As well as showing us how to use multiple "layers" for your project. He also shows us how to add text behind an image which looked really cool, like making a magazine cover. 

Video 3:

Dan Scott is an Adobe certified instructor. He went over absolutely everything about and how to use Adobe Photoshop in a really easy was for beginners. He used multiple different example photos which i thought was a big help for when he was manipulating the colors and such. 


Is there an easier way to crop a photo or select a person out of a photo?

Can you go over how to change colors again in class?
